Upcoming Z3 Learning Event And Our Thanks!

As we enter the Holiday Season, the team at Z3Talent wanted to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt “Thank You” for your continued support this year!  We are grateful for our continued and new business relationships. 

One of the highlights of the year has been our Z3 Learning Events held each quarter. These events have included

  • January 2023: Patrick Condon, the founder and entrepreneur behind FBC Remodel, gave an informative presentation on their unique culture called "The Joy Formula".

  • March 2023: Lisa Gonzalez, co-author of the best-selling EOS Traction library book, "Process! How Discipline and Consistency Will Set You and Your Business Free", shared with us practical tools from her book.

  • September 2023: Jeff Salzenstein, a former top 100 world ranked tennis player, provided an inspiring presentation on the Zone of Excellence. 

And upcoming on Friday, December 1st our speaker for the final Z3 Learning Event of 2023 is entrepreneur, adventurer, and author Scott Davis, who has repeatedly left behind success to pursue new growth. Scott’s recent book, Surf the Seesaw, shares many stories from his adventurous life and identifies key ideas that can help prepare our minds to make these fertile leaps into the unknown.
In his time with us, Scott will share 3 of these ideas that we can all use personally and professionally to open our minds to the unfamiliar, to bolster our courage for the leap of faith, and to avoid the dead-end of staleness that captures so many individuals and firms of a certain age.  

If you haven't already signed up but are interested in attending, please click on the following link:Z3 Learning Event - Scott Davis Presentation for more information and to RSVP.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday season!  

Steve + The Z3 Team


Z3 EOY Review Blog


Zone Of Excellence With Jeff Salzenstein!